Know Your Garden Set


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          Establishing favorable growing conditions for the various plants in your garden is a sure way to help them thrive. This set includes a soil test kit, a sunlight calculator and a rain gauge, dependable products chosen to help you foster the well-being of your plants throughout the growing season.

          Soil Test Kit

          This kit tells you exactly the state of your soil. It has everything needed to perform ten tests for each of four different factors: pH (acidity/alkalinity), nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, so you can adjust your soil chemistry if needed to suit the plants you wish to grow.

          Sunlight Calculator

          The battery-powered sunlight calculator measures the duration and intensity of sunlight falling at a given spot over a 12-hour period. It indicates results as full sun, partial sun, partial shade or full shade, helpful in locating your plants for best results or figuring out why certain plants aren’t thriving.

          Jumbo Rain Gauge

          Measuring up to 5" of rainfall, this rain gauge has large graduations and a brightly colored indicator float, so it’s easy to read from as far away as 50'. A simple, reliable way to tell how much rainwater your garden receives.

          Excellent products to help you assess conditions in your garden.